People who are very smart have a high IQ, or Intelligence Quotient. People who have very good manners and understand how to observe the standards of polite society have a high EQ, or Etiquette Quotient. And that includes setting the table for dinner when you have guests.
Do you know how to properly bow or curtsy? We’re not going to get into that, but if you ever meet the Queen of England it would be a good thing to learn.
When you were a child and were asked to set the table for dinner, did you have to ask a grownup because you couldn’t remember if the fork went on the left or the right? I think that happened to everyone, and of course later in college people eat from pizza boxes so it’s easy to forget where to put the fork, you never use one! But when you become a grownup and you’re having the boss to your house for dinner, you better have the place settings right
All you have to do is remember FORKS. F is for fork, O is for the plate (oval), K is for the knife and s is for spoon. Never minds the R it is just there to make an acceptable acronym.
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If you would like to learn more about etiquette, please visit the Emily Post Institute, it has some very interesting information that will raise your E.Q.