The Hotel Experience

Eight Simple Ways You Can Help Maintain Restaurant and Hotel Equipment
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Eight Simple Ways You Can Help Maintain Restaurant and Hotel Equipment

To help ensure that your hotel and restaurant equipment remains in top working condition and lasts as long as possible, it is in your best interest to engage in daily preventative maintenance, as well as provide the equipment with thorough cleaning and servicing on a regular basis. It is important to be certain that your appliances and other commercial products are kept in good operation not only to obtain top performance from them, but also to make sure they are safe to use at all times.
Making a Great First Impression – The Hotel Check-In Experience
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Making a Great First Impression – The Hotel Check-In Experience

I think there is something about a hotel that’s different than any other business. You aren’t just eating a meal, or watching a film, or buying some socks and then going home. You are literally turning over your entire person to the hotel. You’re going to sleep there, so the experience has to be flawless if you are going to return. Trust must be established and first impressions are crucial because if a guest has a bad experience at check-in, it’s a bad hotel.

Are You Delivering the Best Product Possible?
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Are You Delivering the Best Product Possible?

Analysts from investment firm Cowen predict a massive 79 percent surge in food delivery over the next five years. For decades people who wanted a hot pizza or Asian food (the most popular) delivered to their home searched for the menu in their kitchen drawer and then picked up the phone to call and order. Today 43% of take-out and delivery orders are online and the number is going up every day.
Coping With Addiction and Mental Health Issues in the Restaurant Industry
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Coping With Addiction and Mental Health Issues in the Restaurant Industry

If your restaurant is part of a large corporation, you most likely have a set policy to handle people who show up to work under the influence. If you’re a smaller operation you should at least have an understanding with employees what your position is for these situations. Many policies are zero tolerance, and we’re not sure that’s always the best course of action. We urge every restaurant and bar owner/manager to have current contact information for local resources readily available at all times.