Are You Ready to Observe New Year’s Eve Traditions?

Are You Ready to Observe New Year’s Eve Traditions?
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Are You Ready to Observe New Year’s Eve Traditions?

There are so many traditions attached to New Year’s Eve, you need to make a list so you don’t forget any. Of course the number one tradition is to kiss your special someone at midnight so if you don’t have that lined up by now you better get going.

Other popular traditions include being in Times Square, New York, or at least watching on television. Most people mumble through Auld Lang Syne because they don’t know the words but if you want to learn them, click here for a video with lyrics.

It’s a tradition to eat Hoppin’ John, a stew made of black-eyed peas, in the American South. “Many Southerners believed that the black-eyed peas symbolized coins and eating them insured economic prosperity for the coming year,” wrote Frederick Douglass Opie, a food historian, in his blog Food As A Lens.

Many people in Latin America believe that the color of the underwear you’re wearing at midnight will influence what kind of luck you will have in the coming year. Red will bring romance, yellow will bring prosperity, green will bring good health, and white will lead to peace and harmony. Perhaps it’s a good idea to find some four-color boxers.

Probably the number one New Year’s Eve tradition is to drink champagne especially at the stroke of midnight. What champagne should you buy? As with most things in life, that will depend on your budget. Self Magazine recommends 12 Toast-Worthy Sparkling Wines Under $15 and Forbes has The Ultimate Guide To The Best Champagnes For The Holidays which includes some pricier options.

Whatever you decide to drink, make sure you serve it in the proper glass. Your guests will not appreciate Taittinger Preludé Grands Crus Brut NV if you serve it in a red Solo cup. That’s just wrong! is proud to offer the finest glassware from industry leaders such as Dudson, Anchor Hocking, and Libbey at very competitive prices. Click to Shop Now

Happy New Year from everyone at!