Posts tagged 'successful restaurant'

5 Keys to Opening a Successful Restaurant
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5 Keys to Opening a Successful Restaurant

Starting a new business is challenging, and the restaurant, bar, and nightclub business always ranks near the top for fast exits. We talk with people in the restaurant biz every day, and we go out to eat a lot. Sometimes it’s the common sense things that trip people up, they just don’t think about them, but they are very, very important to getting through that first year and making it.

Is Your Kitchen Designed for Food Safety?
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Is Your Kitchen Designed for Food Safety?

Running a successful restaurant depends on many parts working together to create a superior experience for diners. Front-of-house, back-of-house, hostesses, chefs, bartenders, and managers have to perform flawlessly to maintain a sterling reputation that takes years to earn and protect. Remember that today everyone is a restaurant critic.